Paediatric care in nursery schools

Atenció pediàtrica a l'escola bressol

Atenció pediàtrica a l'escola bressol

Our immediate response paediatric care service is designed for nursery schools looking to provide high quality medical care in emergencies. It focuses on connecting school staff with our paediatricians who have extensive experience in managing emergency paediatric situations.

Schools can contact a doctor in an expedited manner through two modalities: a phone call or a video consultation. This allows for effective communication and a more accurate assessment of the student’s medical situation.

To facilitate this virtual connection with our paediatrician, we provide our own telemedicine platform, which is intuitive and simple to use.

Tele-medical assistance allows the transfer of information and facilitates immediate decision making, from anywhere, and eliminating the need to wait for a face-to-face consultation.

In addition, as part of our service, we offer recommendations related to prevention, general care and guidelines for maintaining optimal health among the educational community, families and students.