Dear families,
We have secured an agreement with the Yamaha – KRAKI Musical Early Education Program, aimed at children from 18 to 36 months.
The KRAKI program offers continuous musical studies from childhood to adulthood. In other words, with Yamaha, children can pursue their entire musical career.
Yamaha, an internationally renowned pioneering brand, was founded over 60 years ago in Japan, bringing music closer and encouraging its practice from childhood.
What do we offer with the KRAKI program?
The KRAKI program offers continuous musical studies from childhood to adulthood. In other words, with Yamaha, children can pursue their entire musical career.
• A programmed and structured musical methodology that offers comprehensive development of the child, covering all aspects of music.
Children begin with the first 3 steps of the musical system: Feel-Sing-Play, where, through sung songs, stories, images, verses, instruments, dances, and games, they will experience the musical world analyzed from:
Structure and content
Rhythmic/melodic/harmonic development
Forms of interpretation
Learning objectives
• Classes in groups of 10/12 children, 45 minutes weekly
• Extracurricular classes
• Classes taught in Catalan, Spanish, and English
• Experienced teaching staff in Music Pedagogy with extensive musical careers and continuous didactic training provided by the Yamaha Music European Foundation
20€ registration fee
A free trial class is offered for children with their families (1 adult) on Thursday, March 13, from 5:15 PM to 6:00 PM.
Registration for the free trial class: info@chiquilavila.com

Queridas familias,
Hemos conseguido un convenio con el Programa de Educación Infantil Musical Yamaha – KRAKI dirigido a niños/as de 18 a 36 meses.
Yamaha, marca pionera consagrada internacionalmente, nació hace más de 60 años en Japón acercando y fomentando la música y su práctica desde la infancia.
El programa KRAKI ofrece unos estudios musicales con continuidad desde la infancia hasta la edad adulta. Es decir, con Yamaha, los niños/as pueden desarrollar toda su carrera musical.
¿Qué ofrecemos con el programa KRAKI? • Metodología musical programada y estructurada ofreciendo un desarrollo integral del niño/a que comprende todos los aspectos de la música.
Los niños/as se inician en los 3 primeros pasos que ofrece el sistema musical: Sentir-Cantar-Jugar, donde, a través de canciones cantadas, historias, imágenes, versos, instrumentos, danzas y juegos, experimentarán el mundo musical analizado desde:
- Estructura y contenido
- Atmósfera
- Dinámica
- Desarrollo rítmico/melódico/armónico
- Formas de interpretación
- Objetivos del aprendizaje
• Clases en grupos de 10/12 niños/as de 45 minutos semanales
• Clases extraescolares
• Clases impartidas en catalán, castellano, inglés
• Profesorado experto en Pedagogía Musical con amplias carreras musicales y continua formación didáctica realizada por la Yamaha Music European Foundation
20€ matrícula
Se ofrece una clase de prueba gratuita para los niños/as con sus familias (1 adulto) el jueves 13 de marzo de 17:15 a 18h.
Inscripciones a la clase de prueba: info@chiquilavila.com

Dear families,
We have secured an agreement with the Yamaha – KRAKI Musical Early Education Program, aimed at children from 18 to 36 months.
Yamaha, an internationally renowned pioneering brand, was founded over 60 years ago in Japan, bringing music closer and encouraging its practice from childhood.
The KRAKI program offers continuous musical studies from childhood to adulthood. In other words, with Yamaha, children can pursue their entire musical career.
What do we offer with the KRAKI program?
• A programmed and structured musical methodology that offers comprehensive development of the child, covering all aspects of music.
Children begin with the first 3 steps of the musical system: Feel-Sing-Play, where, through sung songs, stories, images, verses, instruments, dances, and games, they will experience the musical world analyzed from:
- Structure and content
- Atmosphere
- Dynamics
- Rhythmic/melodic/harmonic development
- Forms of interpretation
- Learning objectives
• Classes in groups of 10/12 children, 45 minutes weekly
• Extracurricular classes
• Classes taught in Catalan, Spanish, and English
• Experienced teaching staff in Music Pedagogy with extensive musical careers and continuous didactic training provided by the Yamaha Music European Foundation
20€ registration fee
A free trial class is offered for children with their families (1 adult) on Thursday, March 13, from 5:15 PM to 6:00 PM.
Registration for the free trial class: info@chiquilavila.com